Add A Splash Of Colour To Your Garden

Add A Splash Of Colour To Your Garden

  Whether you have acres of land or a small urban plot, now is the time to add some colour to your garden with summer bedding plants. There can be few plants that give as much pleasure for such a small cost as summer bedding plants and, with such a low skill...
How To Get Rid Of Moss From Your Lawn

How To Get Rid Of Moss From Your Lawn

Probably the biggest headache in the garden, moss thrives in the vast majority of untreated lawns. Wet Autumns and cold  Winters are exacerbating the problem. Most gardeners will have trouble at some stage with moss on lawns. This is unsightly and is often a result of...
Prepare Your Flower Beds For Summer

Prepare Your Flower Beds For Summer

Now the Winter months have passed it’s a good idea to start preparing your flower beds for the Summer months ahead. The first thing you should tackle are those weeds! Start by clearing the ground and removing the weeds by forking over the area and then pulling them...
How To Get Rid Of Moss From Your Lawn

April Showers Mean A Gorgeous Lawn

  The spring season is an important time for getting your lawn into top shape for the following months. What you do now in the spring by way of lawn care, will determine how well your lawn will cope with the wear and tear of day to day use, and also its ability...
Now Is The Time For A Spring Clean

Now Is The Time For A Spring Clean

Weed and dig over your borders incorporating as much organic matter as you can. The bitter winds of March will really help to dry out the soil. Mulch bare soil once you have done the work and remove moss and weeds from paths, terraces and driveways. They may be boring...
Time To Start Sowing

Time To Start Sowing

Officially it’s the start of Spring, so during March you should be sowing seeds. With veg, as long as the ground isn’t too wet and soggy, early sowings can be made by warming up the soil prior to sowing using cloches or envirofleece which will help to...
Enjoying Your Daffodils

Enjoying Your Daffodils

Daffodils are a quintessential spring flower, a sign that longer days and warmer weather are on their way! There are a huge variety of daffodils, from miniature to the traditional large varieties. Miniature daffodils are ideal for rockeries, border edging, window...