Summer Is In Full Bloom

Summer Is In Full Bloom

Summer has well and truly arrived and you can sit back and enjoy your garden in full bloom! Your beds and borders will be at their height of colour now from your favoured bedding plants and your edible garden will be producing a high yield of fruit and vegetables....
Solar Power Your Summer Garden

Solar Power Your Summer Garden

During the months of summer more of us are enjoying spending time in our garden until late into the evening. Lighting is increasingly something we are asked to factor into our design schemes, especially in town gardens. These small spaces have to work hard to please...
Water Your Way To Happy Plants

Water Your Way To Happy Plants

To prevent your plants hanging their heads this summer, make sure they get plenty of water. There’s no shortage of rainfall in June, but it can be deceptive. Much of our rain comes as intense afternoon thundershowers, not a gentle soaking and most plants depend on...
Bring The Living Room Outside

Bring The Living Room Outside

If you have an outdoor space in your house, then the best way to make good use of it is to build a deck. Its warm under your feet, dries really quickly after rain and doesn’t bring dirt into the house! For those of you who already have a deck, the next question...